Referee Don Dobrindt

A nice message to our athletic director, Erin Heasley, from one of our local referees, Don Dobrindt, about the basketball contest between Columbiana and Lisbon.  A great message about fighting cancer, as it touches many of us!


I was an official at this game and want to say how impressed I was with all that was done by both schools to Fight Cancer.

My niece at the age of 21 was diagnosed with cancer as a college senior. With the grace of God and prayers she battled cancer and graduated. She is now a successful mechanical engineer in Cleveland.

I was lucky enough to get the attached picture with the captains tonight, which was very nice of these young man. If you notice my pink band that my entire family wears to show our Fight is there for other cancer patients. I also sent it to my niece. She loves it and says to say thank you.

Finally, what a great group of players, coaches, cheerleaders and fans we had tonight.

Thank you,
Donald Dobrindt
OHSAA official

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