YSU Financial Aid Night will be coming up on October 23rd. Senior parents, you are encouraged to attend this meeting to learn more about Financial Aid and the FAFSA!
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Congratulations to the Clipper Boys' Golf Team, EOAC Champs!
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Many Seniors are missing one or more required vaccinations. The Ohio State Board of Health requires all students entering 12th grade to have updated immunizations including a REQUIRED MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINATION. Documentation is to be submitted to the office by Sept. 18, 2018.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Class of 2019, stay connected with senior class updates throughout the year with Remind!
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Senior Remind
CHS students, picture day is Wednesday, September 5! Please remember to bring your forms and money! Have a fun and safe Labor Day Weekend!
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Seniors, stay connected with the guidance department through Remind! Please see the attached instructions.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Grd 12 Remind
Juniors, stay connected with the guidance department through Remind! Please see the attached instructions.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Grd 11 Remind
Sophomores, stay connected with the guidance department through Remind! Please see the attached instructions.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Grd 10 Remind
Freshmen, stay connected with the guidance department through Remind! Please see the attached instructions.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Grd 9 Remind
The District Pep Rally will take place tomorrow afternoon at Firestone Park. Please make sure your child returns his/her signed permission slip to school in the morning!
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
The District-Wide Pep Assembly at the park is scheduled for Thursday, August 23, 2018 at 1:00. All students must return signed permissions slips by 1st period on August 23rd to attend.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson
Freshmen and New Student Orientation will take place this Thursday, Aug. 16, from 5-7pm at CHS! We will begin in the auditorium. Please note the time change from the letter sent home in the spring.
over 6 years ago, Jeff Jackson